Create an automatic Pop Under window.

This script has a cookie that will only allow the popunder to be generated once per browser session. Enter the details for your Pop Under window, click Create Popunder and then paste Part 1 of script between the <head>  </head> tags of your HTML document and Part 2 of script into the <body> tag of the document.

Do you want a toolbar? Yes or No Do you want a menu bar? Yes or No
Do you want a location bar? Yes or No Do you want scrollbars? Yes or No
Can the popup be resizable by user? Yes or No Do you want a status bar? Yes or No
What width will the popup be? pixels What height will the popup be? pixels
Window position from left? pixels Window position from top? pixels
URL of page to appear in popup? Your Site's Name

Here is your 2 Part Popup script.
Paste Part 1 of script between the <head>  </head> tags of your HTML document.

Part 1

Paste Part 2 of script into the <body> tag of the document.
(eg. <body onload="popup();">.)

Part 2